Wetseals is offering 5 clearance items for only $20.00 today
The price does have to end in .99 for it to be eligible
Once you get 5 items in your cart the price will automatically adjust down
Here is how to get the deal
Go through Shop at home to get started
Then in the search engine in shop at home type in wetseals (this will earn you 3% back on your purchase)
Then go and select 5 items out of the clearance section that ends in .99
Jeans are included
I got 5 pair of jeans for $20.00 used code OUTFIT0409 to save an additional 10% off of my order and got free shipping. So total on 5 pairs was $18.96 and I will earn 3% back which should be about $.54 -- Not too bad for 5 pairs of jeans
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