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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Softgels Review #solunanaturals

I am a BIG coconut oil user and have seen the incredible testimonies on the benefits of coconut oil on youtube.  The benefits some have posted from it for Alzheimers and Dementia have been pretty incredible and to say the least I am interested in preventing these.  While it is true this is a fat, I think it is more and more becoming common knowledge that the body requires "good fats".

I have never been keen on taking a tablespoon of coconut oil to obtain my daily dose so when I was offered the opportunity to try these capsules in exchange for my review -- I jumped at it.

They are very large capsules, but I have had no issues getting them down.

My bottle contained 120 capsules of which it recommends to take 2 softgels daily.  1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. 100% expeller pressed organic virgin coconut oil.

Below is some information from the company

Coconut oil has been given a bad reputation in the past because it contains 90% saturated fat. Most of the fatty acids in human diet are long-chain, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently and much more efficiently, becoming available immediately as energy as well as offering additional health benefits including a boosted immune system, improved digestion, enhanced brain function, and stronger hair, skin, and nails.

Our bodies rapidly metabolizes Medium Chain Triglycerides in the liver immediately, opposed to having to go through the lymphatic system, converting this into energy as fuel for muscle function or turned into ketone bodies as fuel for the brain. Because MCT's are burned so quickly and efficiently, it is very difficult for your body to store it as fat.

The medium chain triglycerides or medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) allow the body to quickly convert coconut oil into energy. Coconut oil is used as a healthy way to boost energy levels when a pick-me-up is needed. Many athletes also use coconut oil to improve performance and endurance. oil is digested by enzymes, it also forms a monoglyceride called Monolaurin. Lauric Acid and Monolaurin have both been found to kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi in the body resulting in a stronger immune system.

I was sent my bottle in exchange for an honest review.  I highly recommend taking either straight coconut oil or if you are like me and find it difficult to just down a spoonful of oil this might be a good alternative for you as well.  Check them out on Amazon as well as the other awesome reviews.

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