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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

CleanSlate BBQ Mats #CleanSlateBBQ

Anyone that has read my posts before knows that I tend to think outside the box when I get a product.

Meaning -- I use the item for not necessarily the intended purpose.

I have been needing a new sheet to use with my heat press iron that I use for pressing decals on shirts.

When I was contacted by SIJO International and asked to try their products - a light bulb went off (yes - that does occasionally happen)!!  I jumped at the opportunity.  They sent me 2 grill mats to try in exchange for my review and opinion.

These sheets worked absolutely perfect for this job.  Actually better than the sheet that came with it.  The sheet that came with it is cut to the exact size of the press so you have to be really careful so that you get it lined up perfectly so as not to mess up your design.

These are a little bigger than my press -- soooooo -- just lay it on -- no worries about burning the fabric!!

I know that is not what these were made for, but hey -- that is what I needed them for!

Here is a little information from the company...

CleanSlate BBQ Mats

The perfect and inexpensive solution for grilling like a pro and keeping your grill in perfect condition for many years to come. Dad will never have to clean the grill again and every BBQ with family and friends will be like a brand new CleanSlate.

This not only means you have a clean grill but you won't have to worry about serving charred or contaminated foods when cooking on public grills. CleanSlate allows you to cook using sauces and marinades, on either a hot plate, or grilling surface without losing the flavors.

Our mats are extremely versatile and can easily be cut to fit any type or shape of BBQ, Weber Grill, or any other pan for that matter. You will be able to cook absolutely any kind of food using your grill as there is no spillage and all your food stays on the grill.

Sausage- Steak- Onion and other vegetables- Bacon and eggs- Shrimp and fish- Chicken and much more !

The CleanSlate Grill Mat is the perfect, lightweight, durable, and a mobile option for anytime or any place. There are countless scenarios where your CleanSlate Grill Mat will provide the perfect solution.

-BBQ at the beach- Park- Campsite or outing
CleanSlate Grill Mats are totally non-stick and free of PFOA and are made of a durable fiber fabric mesh and are coated with the industry leading non-stick coating. CleanSlate grill mats are so easy to clean too.

Dishwasher safe or Hand wash with soap and water
The CleanSlate 100% Satisfaction Guarantee ensures your satisfaction with our product.

Check it out for yourself here!!

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